So, everybody wants to know how the world is changing. Afterall, all this curse-forecasts for US, the extension of G7 to G20, and invasion of news about China in all newspapers and channels, etc. are not enough to see the big picture clearly.
If not for anything else, we have macroeconomics for this reason. Have a look at the timeline of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GPDs.
Why PPP GDP? This is a very important question. I have given the answer of this question previously in my blog.
A second and a relatively -seemingly- less important question would be why between 1992? Afterall, forecasts are about the future and the starting point should not be that much important.
Well! I have realised the importance of 1992 during this study. The end of CCCP and the foundation of Russian Federation in December 1991, the end of Deng Xiaoping's leaderchip in PRC in October 1992 and the end of Republican George Bush's area succeeded by Democrat Bill Clinton in January 1993 has yielded quite a change in economic policies.