I am not a quite sleeper. I dont like getting up early either but I always like to sleep very late, better evaluating the first hours of the next day, independent of the tasks waiting a head of me in the morning. But like every living being, i need to sleep at least 6 hours to be refreshed.
Why am I keep telling you about these? 'Cause I became a story teller of my journeys. Yet 2 journeys, one in every two months. This third one has a commonality with the first two: We didnt end up sleeping again:)
The Italian came up with this brilliant idea, the MBA is over and the world cup final of the neighbour is tomorrow... so why dont we vist and appreciate our neighbour necessarily???
The Bulgarian rented the car. We found ourselves taking the regional train to the airport to pick up the car cause its sunday and no bloody car company along with supermarkets, pharmacies, butchers are working on sundays.
The White Russian became the co-pilot teaching the Cold War game: I have a contact! The picture is taken at that moment or so.
When we went out of the border, my GPS died cause anymore data transfer is roaming. First stop is Roterdam city center. I have lived in this bloody beatiful city in 2003 summer. The first visit after 7 years. Still the same but i am getting emotional.
We have an hour before going on our way for the beach party on the coasts of the city, in Northern Sea. The city tour is short but amazing. Then back to the car. The beach is 20 kilometers away but we have never been there, we dont know the city, the directions and of course we dont have a map. But hurry! An hour or so the match will start. You dont wanna miss it, right?
It was sort of a miracle that we found the beach and the exact party location under those circumstances. The party place is getting filled so we still have some time to enjoy the north sea. After a short swimming session, as the water is cold and wind blows in the middle of July, we are running back to the party place on the beach.
You should know a couple of things about the crowd:
i. everyone is blonde and green eyed. Males, females does not matter.
ii. everyone has orange shirts on them.
iii. beer is expensive. but everybody buys the pack of 16 glasses.
iv. the music is loud but fancy.
and. everybody is either drunk or about to be so...
The next 4 hours happened to be one of the ever-never best parties of my life.
Then Spain won. They scored at the end of the extensions. 120th minute or so. People remained silent for the next minute till referee finished the game. then some cried. I will only emphise these... I wont talk about the most beatiful party in between those 4 hours!
Two things were obvious by the end of the match. First, the most beatiful party has ended suddenly and there wont be more fun at the beach any more. Yes, we missed, possibly the best night of our lives and it was so close. Second, we had to go back to the city and we didnt have any place to stay or sleep.
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